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Cycling Thread > Poland > Malopolska

Poprad Valley cycling route: EuroVelo 11 in Lesser Poland

Cycling in Lesser Poland continues to pick up pace. This year, the Poprad Valley joined the Velo Małopolska network of cycling routes with an attractive tourist cycling path from Krynica-Zdrój through Muszyna to Nowy Sącz. Once again, as Lesser Poland invites tourists to a new cycling route, I have the pleasure of presenting it on my blog. After spending a few days in the Poprad Valley, I suspect that this new route, sometimes referred to as Velo Poprad, will not only be an excellent addition to the existing cycling routes of Lesser Poland but may even compete for the title of the most attractive in the region.

Cycling Partners

Burgundy by bike
Bicycle panniers and trailers
Cycling tourism in Brandenburg

Route on the map